Exclusive Services
Karl S. Helfrich, CPA, LLC offers a comprehensive range of professional financial services for small and mid-sized businesses and individuals.
Financial Planning
Accounting Services
Accounting services
In addition to compilation and review services, we offer an extensive variety of general accounting services to help you organize, track, and record your transactions to ease the administrative needs of your business.
Payroll and payroll tax services
Payroll and payroll taxes are an integral part of any business and are subject to constant changes on the federal, state, and local levels. We offer an after-the-fact payroll system that helps you to process your payroll and payroll taxes and keeps you informed of and in compliance with all required laws and regulations.
Bookkeeping and write-up services
We can offer time-saving and effective ideas to help you manage your day-to-day bookkeeping and offer bank account reconciliation and trial balance preparation for your business.
Business planning, entity selection, and business consultation
From the day you develop your business idea to the day you open your doors, Karl S. Helfrich, CPA, LLC can help to determine the best legal and tax entity for your business to maximize asset protection and minimize tax liabilities.
Financial statement compilation & analysis
Businesses require financial information to help them make informed business decisions. We can take your financial information, compile it, and present it in financial statement format for banking purposes, obtaining financing, and making comparisons on a year-over-year basis. We have the skills to analyze your financial statements and make recommendations that you can understand and implement to improve your bottom line.
Financial statement review services & analysis
We offer review services of your financial statements. Review services are a limited assurance service that require a higher level of assurance than a compilation that the financial statements conform to reporting requirements. Using analytical skills, analytical procedures, and ratio analysis of your financial data, we can provide limited assurance to outside interests.
Tax Planning
Tax planning, analysis, and preparation
We offer a wide range of tax planning and tax preparation services to C-corporations, S-corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships, individuals, estates, and trusts. Our experience, knowledge, and expertise allow us to analyze your tax situation and recommend tax planning strategies tailored to your specific needs. We work to minimize your tax liabilities on all levels of taxation including state and local taxes.
Personal income tax preparation
We offer personal income tax preparation services at the federal, multi-state, and multi-local levels. Our team will meet with you to provide an individualized approach to not only file your current year income taxes, but to plan for your future as well. This planning allows us to minimize tax liabilities and maximize your savings.
IRS representation
Businesses and individuals are increasingly subject to IRS audits. These can consist of traditional tax audits as well as correspondence audits of income taxes, payroll, payroll taxes, and other issues under the purview of the IRS. Our vast experience can help navigate these complex issues and help you obtain the best results.